The betrayal by the News Media
(too old to reply)
Joseph R Loegering
2008-01-30 01:13:39 UTC
The CNN Staff not only intended to do crimes and help Bin Laden and his
likes get away, they committed crimes, and are committed crimes, and are
helping our enemies overthrow the US Constitution with weird interpretations
of it, that take away all of our rights that it was suppose to protect, and
all of our rights not protected therein.

They shows Hospitals fitting Veterans with new arms and legs, or they show
run down medical facilities and scream for more money, while hiding the
truth of how they treat us from the Public.

The ward Hospital Staff who were selling us cigarettes at $5 a piece, would
not let us have access to the internet, or magnifying glasses for seeing, or
to Computers, or to any device we could use to overcome our handicaps, like
the Asian Lady in a wheel chair, they took her leg away so someone would not
use it to clobber one of the abusive staff, or fight off any of the violent
criminals that they transferred in from the jails, they could not pin any
crimes on most of us, so they just accused us of intending to do crimes and
locked us up, and drugged us out of our other minds, even though other
Doctors said that those drugs were killing us!

People were so drugged up, that they cold not hit the toilet, and would piss
and crap everywhere, and when they operated on you, you would get infected
right away, and they would extend your stay in the mess that caused it,
until the infection went away, and that is if it went away!

But because they were afraid CNN would sue them if they let me out, they
kept me there a year, and nearly killed me, and ACLU says it would cost too
much to sue them.

Now you know just a fraction of why more than 6000 Iraq Veterans and tens of
thousands of US Citizens committed suicide since the Iraq War began, but you
egotistical Bigots will not lite a finger to help stop it, you just help
them destroy Americans as you put more US Veterans on the street where they
are all swept up into that medical system to make these Politicians, Medical
Personnel, Drug Manufacturers and News Media money off destroying our lives
for out enemies!

So the only way we have to get justice, is to take our Government Back.

We the People are the Government!

In service of God and Country


The Two US Political Parties and the US News Media have booked passage..

..on the Titanic, . and though someone gave an ice Berge warning, you can
hear the voices of the leaders of both Political Parties echoed through the
Media saying.. "Stay the course!"

Improvised life boast anyone?

In service of God and Country


Dear CNN,

In your broadcasts about the stimulus package, you failed to mention that
none of the Hundreds of Thousands of US Veterans and US Citizens that your
Computer Systems were used to set up and make Jobless and Homeless, will get
none of these rebate Tax Checks, that your Communist Partner Banks will
charge us all Interests on, while you even pocket tons of Campaign Money
from Politicians that will only create more problems, so that you and your
Communists and Terrorists allies can finish overthrowing us from within.

I bought this computer before I knew that Microsoft was no good for
security, and I cannot get the red-hat operating system to install the
drives that I need, because all of my hardware was made for windows. I
cannot afford to pay my bills right now, let alone buy another computer, but
what computer can I get that will stop Cuba, Russia, China, Israel, and
other Countries, and CNN and Time Warner Cable, from hacking into my
Computer and Websites?

What system will stop them from using US Corporations from setting up
Veterans and making them homeless?

CNN and all US News Media

Well, since it is you, that the Communists and Terrorists are using to
destroy us from within, and it is you that made it too expensive, for us to
even get a Medical Malpractice Suit into Courts, for your misdiagnosis, and
medical maltreatment, that you broadcast for our enemies' Doctors every day,
that have infiltrated our Country to help them overthrow us from within, the
only way we can get justice is to become resourceful, improvise, and adapt
to using your systems against both the Communists and Terrorists and against
you, their ally.

I have just posted computer evidence that shows that the Communist and
Terrorists are using people on the
inside of our country, to help them take your Computer Records and the US
Government Computer Records, so that they can use Convicted Criminals and
your Records to set up and destroy anyone whom stands in their way of
overthrowing the USA from within!

I have just posted computer evidence that shows that the Communist and
Terrorists are using people on the
inside of our country, to help them take US Medical Records and the US
Corporate Computer Records, so that they can use the Business and Medical
Systems to set up, and destroy anyone whom stands in their way of
overthrowing the USA from within!

I have just posted computer evidence that shows that the Communist and
Terrorists are using people on the
inside of our country, to help them set up to take out our water systems,
and are destroying any business that could solve the problem of a huge water
shortage that they are going to cause!

I have just posted computer evidence that shows that the Communist and
Terrorists are using people on the
inside of our country, to help them set up to take out our Oil and Coal
and are destroying any business that could solve the problem of a huge Fuel
shortage that they are going to cause!

I have just posted computer evidence that shows that the Communist and
Terrorists are using people on the
inside of our country, to help them set up and make 200,000 US Veterans
Homeless and eventually jail and kill them with the computer Systems and
Corporations that they control! They have already killed more than 6000 Iraq
War Veterans and hundreds of thousands of US Citizens with their medical
malpractice that sponsors the Media. Yes, a lager US force than is deployed
in Iraq and Afghanistan, is Homeless, because our enemies used your systems
to destroy the US constitution and all of our rights not protected therein!

You have obstructed getting Osama Bin Laden, you have obstructed getting any
Justice against lies of those whom set me up, and set other Veterans up, and
nearly killed me with more than a year of maltreatment, and nearly killed
other Veterans with similar methods, and you are daily broadcasting
brainwashing propaganda for the Communists and Terrorists against the US
Constitution, and all of our rights not protected therein.

Why are you fighting for the Communists and Terrorists that are trying to
take our country
over from within?

Since you have made it too expensive for us to take you to Court to defend
our Lives, our Liberty, our Families, and our Country, from the Communists
that are using your organizations to destroy us, we have no alternative but
to defend ourselves against the Communists and Terrorist and against you,
with whatever means in necessary.

All my enemies underestimate me.

On the Phone, Dr Smith from the Kansas City VA told the Doctors that CNN
sent me to in New York what he did to me, "O, I am surprised that he was
able to make it to New York, he cannot function!"

That was after he drugged me with drugs that a Court had already found from
my Neurologists the truth, and ordered the Police and Doctors not to force
them on me, because the Neurologists found that those drugs made me more
dysfunctional than I normally am, but Dr Smith would not obey the Court
order, or the other Doctors' findings, and deliberately made me more
dysfunctional with those same drugs, because he was not under the
Jurisdiction of Jackson Michigan, and he did it for the reason he said, as
he said, ."We will be giving you an alibi just in case something happens to
the President while he is in town!"

And the same thing happened with the New York Doctors that were afraid if
they did not keep me for an entire Year, and drug me with the exact same
drugs that make me more dysfunctional, CNN would sue them!

All my enemies underestimate me, but they all eventually fall!

Dear CNN

Why did you not take care of any of the problems that you caused me?

When you called me on the Phone, before I briefly visited Russia and Iran,
why did you not get it out that I had Videos that would incriminate many
very rich people that want these Wars so that they can make money off
getting people killed? Why did you not get it out then what was happening in
Pakistan, instead of waiting for the situation to change, so that you can
make things worse by pressuring Pakistan too much? Just how many of you at
CNN are involved? And just how much are you involved?

Why did you not pressure the Pakistan Government and US Government to give
us Grid Maps and Air Fire so that we could locate and take our Bin Laden and
his likes when we asked both them for these things, and then asked you to
help us get those things?

Why are you brainwashing the People to help them look for missing computers
that would incriminate them too, under the guise of looking for bombs? Why
not just reinstate the US Constitution and let the individuals have the
Liberty to defend themselves instead of overthrowing the US Constitution and
all of our Rights not protected therein? Why are so many of them people that
are overthrowing the US Constitution and the State of Israel and Great
Britain connected with CNN?

Those connected with the overthrow of the US, Israel, and Great Britain,
have you all right where they want you. I will be sorry when they find you
in a ditch somewhere or in some cell, or drugged out of your wits in some
hospital, because you failed to believe the truth.

Because it will incriminate many of the Rulers of the Earth, they are
looking for those missing computers so hard, they are screaming louder that
they are looking for bombs to deceive everybody, as they are double and
triple searching everybody at airports all around the would, even family
members of mine sent baby clothes and toys in the mail, and they never got
there because someone took the boxes while in route through the mail!

When you called me on the Phone, before I briefly visited Russia and Iran,
why did you not get it out that I had Videos that would incriminate many
very rich people that want these Wars so that they can make money off
getting people killed?

Why are you brainwashing the People to help them look for missing computers
that would incriminate them too, under the guise of looking for bombs? Why
not just reinstate the US Constitution and let the individuals have the
Liberty to defend themselves instead of overthrowing the US Constitution and
all of our Rights not protected therein? Why are so many of them people that
are overthrowing the US Constitution and the State of Israel and Great
Britain connected with CNN?

Those connected with the overthrow of the US, Israel, and Great Britain,
have you all right where they want you. I will be sorry when they find you
in a ditch somewhere or in some cell, or drugged out of your wits in some
hospital, because you failed to believe the truth.

Because it will incriminate many of the Rulers of the Earth, they are
looking for those missing computers so hard, they are screaming louder that
they are looking for bombs to deceive everybody, as they are double and
triple searching everybody at airports all around the would, even family
members of mine sent baby clothes and toys in the mail, and they never got
there because someone took the boxes while in route through the mail!

Somebody should do something about the way them News Medias brainwashes
these people to walk to their own death!

Try actually reading this, I could only post a little of the hard evidence
on the Internet, and believe me, I have a lot of it!

When I started posting that I wanted engineers to help me design wind
turbines and begin building them on the side of a small business, the MN
State Government outsourced the designing of the wind turbines to scientists
from other Countries.

Why are they outsourcing Jobs that Americans want, and then claim no
American wants to do those Jobs?

Read some more about, why they are doing that to many Americans!

I will repost this.

I have some questions too. In actually five parts, since you seam to be
unable to count to five:

1) How can any decent human being remain a Treasonous Tax and Spend Democrat
or a Treasonous Borrow until Economic collapse Republican?

2) How can any decent Jew remain a Treasonous Tax and Spend Democrat or a
Treasonous Borrow until Economic collapse Republican?

3) How can any decent Christian remain a Treasonous Tax and Spend Democrat
or a Treasonous Borrow until Economic collapse Republican?

4) How can any decent human being support a Treasonous Tax and Spend
Democrat or a Treasonous Borrow until Economic collapse Republican?

5) How can any decent Christian support a Treasonous Tax and Spend Democrat
or a Treasonous Borrow until Economic collapse Republican?

This was my response to someone threatening to have an investigator get some
dirt on someone. Getting the dirt on you is exactly what the enemies of the
People of these united States are doing, and they have access to all
Government Records, to include those that were only recorded in the White
House and the Pentagon for our Personal Security. I made mention of those
files on the Internet awhile back, and said I would not disclose what type
drug the Soviet Agent tried to use on me so that no one could make up false
stories about it. Our enemies now have copies of those secret files! I am an
outed CID Informant and the enemies of the People of these United States not
only want to set me up, but all who were registered on those secret files,
and any honest US Citizen!

Read what I have been posting because the News Medias have all betrayed the
Public into the hands of our enemies!

Like others, your answer is exactly what the Communists used the News Medias
to program you with, you would not know truth and reality if it bit you, and
as a leader you would lead all who follow you, into bondage and death!

Israel is aligned with Russia, whom supports Iran, whom supports Hamas, and
using Israel to draw the US into another War with lies, will destroy the US
Economy further, and let the Communists finish taking us over from within,
as they use Israel to Attack the Arabs, the source of US Oil needed for
National Security! I know that everyone in Russia and Israel is not in on
it, but now do you know why some of the Communists used Israel to help them
draw us into the Iraq War with lies? They are destroying us from within at
the same time and only brainwashed fools are letting them do it!

Well, I am not a Tax and Spend Democrat or a Borrow until Economic Collapse
Republican, I just know what works as a Farmer and an Engineer, and if they
will not let me and others do what we need to do, to do our jobs, no one
will get to eat or drink water, so get off your high horse and quit being a
stooge for the Communists!

Here is how the Communists are using the System to tighten Security so we
cannot get out of the Country unless you use someone else's name, while they
use the Systems that they helped set up for getting Criminals and Terrorists
to target Americans and their businesses.

CNN tricked the Government into giving our enemies all of our Government's
Criminal Records!

We have had Members of the C.A.L.M. helping others to post emergency
procedures for surviving a Nuclear attack on US Soil.

Just Google these and start getting ready, the balloon is being filled, to
go up for Nuclear War.

Nuclear Attack Survival

Nuclear Decontamination

Also check the Internet Detective Sites to see what our enemies have on you,
even if you have no criminal record. Check to see what Credit Information
they have on you, it was all setup by our enemies so that they could use it
to control you, and or to destroy you one way or another. Among the Sites
giving our records to our Enemies are these Family Tree organizations the
trace your ancestry, like the Nazis and Soviets did to the Jews.

It is mostly Private Corporate Sites and Computers sending our Personal
Information overseas to our enemies, and many times it is Government
Computers. I have personally done an experiment to find out just how much
they are sending. Like, these dating Sites that have you fill out a bunch of
things about yourself to try to match you with a mate, everything you enter
ends up in our enemies hands. The same with News Media, Business, or
Government Sites, that ask for your likes and dislikes, and that ask what
products that you prefer to use.

It will all come back to haunt you, as our enemies try to take the US over
from within. They have enough data on everyone that has a computer, they can
use the system to set you up to look criminal, even if you have never broken
a law. That is what they intend to do with it, by using Criminals to help
them set people up, like they used the Mob organizations to do so in the

That is why they want all of our Criminal Records Public, even if it is just
traffic tickets, because they can use these to blackmail and intimidate
these people into helping them. The US gave the enemies of the People of
these United States, a very powerful and deadly tool, making criminal
records public. They like using the Criminal Records and giving them to
Religious Fundamentalists too, to show others that if they do not cooperate,
they will get the same brutal treatment.

An outed CID Informant, or any other outed Agent, and even those that have
not yet been Publicly outed, has to live on guard at all times, because the
secret files that were recorded only in the White House and in the Pentagon,
for our personal security, have fallen into the wrong hands. So the
Communists use Domestic Criminals via the Internet to set us up much faster
now, than the ways that they did it before. Our lives and are Liberty are at
risk every moment, because some among the Tax and Spend Democrats, and some
among the Borrow until Economic Collapse Republicans, have betrayed us, and
because of their personal dislikes, the Communists use them, and use
personal attacks to set us up, and get rid of us for our common enemies!

Who would know better about this, than an outed CID Informant whom was outed
and kidnapped by Legal Foreign Exchanged Students from Africa, armed with
stolen US Weapons on American soil, in the 1980s?

Putin knows better than to mess with me straight up, he has my personal
History, my Military, my Criminal, my Religious, and my Medical Records on
his Computers, and so does Communist China, compliments of our Zionist
friends that use US Corporations to send all of our personal information to
our enemies!

I wonder if your on our enemies good guy list, or bad guy list? Well, the
next time that I get a date, and sneak into Moscow, or Tehran, or Shanghai,
or Jerusalem, I will check, because they are all against real Americans!

Mind manipulation is what they are doing to the Public to get them to attack
those that they single out as being crazy, while they control all the things
that they say the person made up, like the computer hackers that have
repeatedly hacked my computer since 2003, and someone had the FBI not
investigate, and had them use CNN to try to stop us from hunting down Osama
Bin Laden and his Likes. Why would CNN and the FBI not want to help get Bin
Laden and his Likes?

Now people are calling my numbers and are leaving someone else's names and
phone #s on my answering services, I call the numbers, and those people did
not call me and leave a message. And some guy pulled up in my sisters yard
and picked up boxes of parts that were normally delivered from my brother in
laws business to another business, and they are having the same problem of
people going through their mail. Those Communists are really worried about
those missing computers and would do anything to find them, because it links
them to a lot of US Politicians.

Tighter Security on us is what the Communists that are taking control want
us to waste our Tax Money on, while they target the individuals through the
system. If many of us on planes just carried a gun, we would be safe on the
planes and at home and business, but the Communists want complete control
over us. Look at CNN "tester slips fake bomb past airport security," when it
should read Immigrants that took over key Government Positions have let an
Army Immigrate into the US To destroy the US Constitution and all of our
rights not protected therein. All this security was set up by think tanks
controlled by Zionists that are Atheist Communists that are pretending to be
Jews and Christians.

That Traitor George Bush will probably just go with the theme, "Politics as
usual!," all talk and getting nothing that we need done, that is what the
rest of them Pet Poodle Traitors and their Handlers that took our Government
away from the People, are doing.

The Problem for those of us that want to work, these Politicians will
deliberately listen to the lazy people, and give them what will destroy the
rest of us, hand outs from our Tax Money that will lead to Communism.

These people destroy our businesses with Unions, as they deliberately slow
down production to make the Job last longer for them, while getting paid by
the hour. This is part of what has made US Corporations get the idea of
sending our Jobs to other Countries, and our enemies took advantage of this,
and are now outsourcing all the businesses that we will need to survive, or
they are using the system to destroy the businesses that we will need to

And worse, we will not be able to survive Politics as usual, because our
enemies have taken advantage of their Politics as usual, as they overthrow
us from within!

The number one reason that US Corporations are outsourcing our Jobs, and
that things are so regulated that it is nearly impossible to start a
business, is that the Communists are controlling the Environmental Groups,
and are directing them to do each thing that they do, that will cause the
destruction of America.

They are using the Environmental Groups, and are deliberately targeting
businesses that we will need to survive from their takeover from within.
Like their deliberately outsourcing the designing of windmills, to
Scientists from Denmark or Sweden, and then hacking my computers from
Amsterdam, and from the Latin Islands South of Florida.

It is no coincident that the Communists are using Environmental Groups to
target the Oil and Coal Companies, while offering no affordable or practical
alternative to Oil and Coal, while promoting Nuclear Energy, using AGW as a
cover for building more Nukes, because that is what Margaret Thatcher did
with AG Cooling. She thought she was smart turning the Environmentalist
Groups, that the Soviets turned against her for using Nuclear power, to her
side using the lies about AG Cooling, and saying Nuclear Energy was the

It is no coincident that the Communists are using Environmental Groups to
target any Business that could find a solution to the Energy Crisis, and are
motivating them to help destroy Tillable Farmland faster, pushing both Urban
Sprawl and Biofuels while making it illegal in Trailer Courts and other
Places to plant Victory Gardens. It is really ironic that they are using
fear tactics about Carbon Monoxide, to stop us from insulating our Trailers
to save on fuel bills, while screaming that we using too much fuel causing

It is no coincident that the Communist Soviet Scientists are pushing the
AGW, and are targeting Businesses that could drill and build wells to save
this country when they target these large public water systems, if they
cannot destroy them, they will cause a loss of Water and try to blame it on
Global Warming. These AGW nuts are putty in the Palm of Communist
Brainwashers, they can get them to do anything that they wish.

It is no coincident that the Communists are using Environmental Groups to
target the Oil and Coal Companies, while offering no affordable alternative
to Oil and Coal, while promoting Nuclear Energy, using AGW as a cover for
building more Nukes, because that is what Margaret Thatcher did with AG
Cooling. She thought she was smart turning the Environmentalist groups that
the Soviets turned against her for using Nuclear power, to her side using
the lies about AG Cooling and saying Nuclear Energy was the answer.

What is worse is the Political Ploy the Politicians are using, to avoid
solving the problems caused by these people, by saying to the 200,000
homeless Veterans, and hundreds of thousands of Poor, that if we Vote for
them that our Voices will be heard, why have our Voices not been heard
already? And why are they not deregulating now, and reinstating the US
Constitution on all levels of US Government, so that we can get to Jobs or
start new Businesses before it is too late for many of us?

They say that as many as 6000 Iraq Veterans already committed suicide, and
tens of thousands of US Citizens too, can they not tell just how desperate
America is for Jobs? Can they not tell that most are so desperate, that
waiting for our Voices to be heard, is what is killing us, because that is
Politics as usual?

Look at John Edwards Letter, nothing being done now to deregulate, and
basically what they are planning is putting checks in the mail, but heck,
what mail?

Both my snail mail and most of my e-mail disappearing, is not a coincident

My sister use to come and open my snail mail, and read what was important to
me, but now there is only advertisement news paper type mail in the mail
box. No letters from the Government, none from bill collectors, and none
from friends, or anyone else, not even announcement letters from the Jewish
organizations that I signed up for.


Dear Joseph,

From the very beginning, our campaign has been about one central thing:
giving voice to millions of Americans who have absolutely no voice in our

If you are worried about your health care or, like 47 million other
Americans you have no health care, your voice will be heard in this

If you're one of 37 million Americans who wake up every single day, worried
about how to feed and clothe your children and living in poverty, your voice
will be heard in America -- and it will be heard in this campaign and we
will speak and fight for you.

If you're worried about being able to pay for your child to be able to go to
college and being able to pay for tuition and books, your voice will be
heard in this campaign -- and it will be heard in America.

If you're one of the forgotten middle class, working and struggling just to
pay your bills, worrying every single day about what may be around the
corner, we will give you a voice in this campaign.

And if you're one of the extraordinary men and women who have worn the
uniform of the United States with pride and honor and served this country
patriotically, and you're not getting the health care you need or deserve,
your voice will be heard in this campaign. If you're one of the 200,000
veterans living in America who every night go to sleep under bridges, in
shelters or on heating grates, your voice will be heard in America.

That's why this campaign moves on to February 5 and "Super Tuesday" when
millions of Americans will cast their vote and help shape the future of the
Democratic Party and, most importantly, help shape the future of America.

Thank you for standing with me as, together, we take this campaign to the
Democratic Convention, to the nomination -- and then to the White House.

Your support as we move forward means that the voices of millions of
voiceless Americans will be heard.


John Edwards
January 27, 2008


Inflation comes from too much demand on the Supply, and when Russia helps
draw us into conflicts making a higher demand on both manpower and materials
for defense purposes, it causes inflation to skyrocket. And outsourcing our
Jobs, and destroying the Businesses that we need to survive makes it worse.

That was Russia's plan for drawing us into Iraq using the State of Israel,
and for using the State of Israel to draw us into Iran, so that they can use
the State of Israel to attack the Arabs, the US Oil supply needed for

Dear Mr. President Putin

I really enjoyed my brief visit to your Country and to Iran, thank you for
your hospitality!

PS. Don't spend a lot of money looking for those missing computers, it would
be a waste of money, give it to the Poor instead.

In service of God and Country


Betty Crocker Recipes, Clear Rock Candy!

The Communists have adjusted to us, they are no longer attacking openly on
the Internet, and have gone into covert attack modes, targeting businesses
and incomes on individuals that are American, and using defamation of their
targets, to use the Legal and Medical Systems that they Infiltrated, to take
them out, out of sight of the Public. If they will not reinstate the US
Constitution and hold to it in any Federal, State, or Local Government
Office, or Corporations, they are working for the Communists trying to take
us over from within!

Wall Street, instead of getting a bottle like the Russians want you to, how
about getting Local, State, and Federal Governments to Deregulate, and
reinstate the US Constriction with it's original meanings and with Integrity
so that we have the Liberty to get to a Job and or Start New Businesses to
Employ Americans?

I have a Jewish ancestry, with Bauers in it, (which means a Farmer, so there
are many Bauers that are not related to me, or to the Rothschilds,) some of
my ancestors are related to the Rothschilds.

You should read my update, because since Napoleon, the Rothschilds have made
their money off funding both sides of all the conflicts, and even helping
stir them up against each other, so that they could make more money!

See CNN Wall Street Woes hit home, and Nervous Asian Market, CNN recently
did a video where they were showing 33 Million Dollar Homes in Russia, and
the anchor said, "What would Stalin Think?"

CNN leaves Russia out of this negative picture, because it is the same
people in charge of CNN, that are in charge of Russia, like in Wall Street
Market Woes, the Russians also just drink their worries away. You can get
those Russians to do anything just for a bottle of Vodka! That has been
Russia's plan all along, to use the Asian Market and Asian Banks, to help
destroy the US Economy, and make a bunch of controllable drunks out of
Americans. Thanks to Big Pharma whom the Communists control, many Americans
are on Mind Control Drugs, and are committing suicide and murder suicide in
greater numbers, just because of the Drugs that they were coaxed into
taking, or that were forced upon us at the end of a gun, like CNN had them
do to me and to many other Americans!

The Rothschilds are financing Russia, with huge sums of money, helping them
destroy the US Economy, and the Rothschilds and or their Subsidiaries are
even financing the Terrorist Organizations against Israel and the US, and
Predator Banks, that are ruining our Economy.

Yep, the elite are making Money off both sides, as they instigate the
Conflicts, so that they can make Money off getting People Killed.

It is all part of a Communist Plot to do away with the US Constitution and
all of our rights not protected therein, so that they can take control and
overthrow the USA from within. That is why they had the News Media start
Brainwashing the people against the Arabs, instead of solving the problems,
so that they could use the State of Israel and Target the US Oil, once they
use the State of Israel to draw the US into a Conflict with Iran, which
would completely destroy our Economy and Oil Sources, this will make it so
that the Communists could finish taking us over from within!

In service of God and Country


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Joseph R Loegering
2008-01-30 01:40:38 UTC
The CNN Staff not only intended to do crimes and help Bin Laden and his
likes get away, they committed crimes, and are committed crimes, and are
helping our enemies overthrow the US Constitution with weird interpretations
of it, that take away all of our rights that it was suppose to protect, and
all of our rights not protected therein.

They show Hospitals fitting Veterans with new arms and legs, or they show
run down medical facilities, and scream for more money, while hiding the
truth of how they treat us from the Public.

The ward Hospital Staff who were selling us cigarettes at $5 a piece, would
not let us have access to the internet, or magnifying glasses for seeing, or
to Computers, or to any device that we could use to overcome our handicaps.
the Asian Lady in a wheel chair, they took her leg away so someone would not
use it to clobber one of the abusive staff, or fight off any of the violent
criminals that they transferred in from the jails. They could not pin any
crimes on most of us, so they just accused us of intending to do crimes and
locked us up, and drugged us out of our minds, even though other
Doctors said that those drugs were killing us!

People were so drugged up, that they cold not hit the toilet, and would piss
and crap everywhere, and when they operated on you, you would get infected
right away, and they would extend your stay in the mess that caused it,
until the infection went away, and that is if it went away!

But because they were afraid CNN would sue them if they let me out, they
kept me there a year, and nearly killed me, and ACLU says it would cost too
much to sue them.

Now you know just a fraction of why more than 6000 Iraq Veterans and tens of
thousands of US Citizens committed suicide since the Iraq War began, but you
egotistical Bigots will not lift a finger to help stop it, you just help
them destroy Americans as you put more US Veterans on the street where they
are all swept up into that medical system to make these Politicians, Medical
Personnel, Drug Manufacturers and News Media money off destroying our lives
for out enemies!

So the only way we have to get justice, is to take our Government Back.

We the People are the Government!

In service of God and Country


The Two US Political Parties and the US News Media have booked passage..

..on the Titanic, . and though someone gave an ice Berge warning, you can
hear the voices of the leaders of both Political Parties echoed through the
Media saying,.. "Stay the course!"

Does anyone know how to make life boats?

Oops, the Politicians and News Media had the life boat factory outsourced to

Dear CNN,

In your broadcasts about the stimulus package, you failed to mention that
none of the Hundreds of Thousands of US Veterans and US Citizens that your
Computer Systems were used to set up and make Jobless and Homeless, will get
none of these rebate Tax Checks, that your Communist Partner Banks will
charge us all Interests on, while you even pocket tons of Campaign Money
from Politicians that will only create more problems, so that you and your
Communists and Terrorists allies can finish overthrowing us from within.

I bought this computer before I knew that Microsoft was no good for
security, and I cannot get the red-hat operating system to install the
drives that I need, because all of my hardware was made for windows. I
cannot afford to pay my bills right now, let alone buy another computer, but
what computer can I get that will stop Cuba, Russia, China, Israel, and
other Countries, and CNN and Time Warner Cable, from hacking into my
Computer and Websites?

What system will stop them from using US Corporations from setting up
Veterans and making them homeless?

CNN and all US News Media

Well, since it is you, that the Communists and Terrorists are using to
destroy us from within, and it is you that made it too expensive, for us to
even get a Medical Malpractice Suit into Courts, for your misdiagnosis, and
medical maltreatment, that you broadcast for our enemies' Doctors every day,
that have infiltrated our Country to help them overthrow us from within, the
only way we can get justice is to become resourceful, improvise, and adapt
to using your systems against both the Communists and Terrorists and against
you, their ally.

I have just posted computer evidence that shows that the Communist and
Terrorists are using people on the
inside of our country, to help them take your Computer Records and the US
Government Computer Records, so that they can use Convicted Criminals and
your Records to set up and destroy anyone whom stands in their way of
overthrowing the USA from within!

I have just posted computer evidence that shows that the Communist and
Terrorists are using people on the
inside of our country, to help them take US Medical Records and the US
Corporate Computer Records, so that they can use the Business and Medical
Systems to set up, and destroy anyone whom stands in their way of
overthrowing the USA from within!

I have just posted computer evidence that shows that the Communist and
Terrorists are using people on the
inside of our country, to help them set up to take out our water systems,
and are destroying any business that could solve the problem of a huge water
shortage that they are going to cause!

I have just posted computer evidence that shows that the Communist and
Terrorists are using people on the
inside of our country, to help them set up to take out our Oil and Coal
and are destroying any business that could solve the problem of a huge Fuel
shortage that they are going to cause!

I have just posted computer evidence that shows that the Communist and
Terrorists are using people on the
inside of our country, to help them set up and make 200,000 US Veterans
Homeless and eventually jail and kill them with the computer Systems and
Corporations that they control! They have already killed more than 6000 Iraq
War Veterans and hundreds of thousands of US Citizens with their medical
malpractice that sponsors the Media. Yes, a lager US force than is deployed
in Iraq and Afghanistan, is Homeless, because our enemies used your systems
to destroy the US constitution and all of our rights not protected therein!

You have obstructed getting Osama Bin Laden, you have obstructed getting any
Justice against lies of those whom set me up, and set other Veterans up, and
nearly killed me with more than a year of maltreatment, and nearly killed
other Veterans with similar methods, and you are daily broadcasting
brainwashing propaganda for the Communists and Terrorists against the US
Constitution, and all of our rights not protected therein.

Why are you fighting for the Communists and Terrorists that are trying to
take our country
over from within?

Since you have made it too expensive for us to take you to Court to defend
our Lives, our Liberty, our Families, and our Country, from the Communists
that are using your organizations to destroy us, we have no alternative but
to defend ourselves against the Communists and Terrorist and against you,
with whatever means in necessary.

All my enemies underestimate me.

On the Phone, Dr Smith from the Kansas City VA told the Doctors that CNN
sent me to in New York what he did to me, "O, I am surprised that he was
able to make it to New York, he cannot function!"

That was after he drugged me with drugs that a Court had already found from
my Neurologists the truth, and ordered the Police and Doctors not to force
them on me, because the Neurologists found that those drugs made me more
dysfunctional than I normally am, but Dr Smith would not obey the Court
order, or the other Doctors' findings, and deliberately made me more
dysfunctional with those same drugs, because he was not under the
Jurisdiction of Jackson Michigan, and he did it for the reason he said, as
he said, ."We will be giving you an alibi just in case something happens to
the President while he is in town!"

And the same thing happened with the New York Doctors that were afraid if
they did not keep me for an entire Year, and drug me with the exact same
drugs that make me more dysfunctional, CNN would sue them!

All my enemies underestimate me, but they all eventually fall!

Dear CNN

Why did you not take care of any of the problems that you caused me?

When you called me on the Phone, before I briefly visited Russia and Iran,
why did you not get it out that I had Videos that would incriminate many
very rich people that want these Wars so that they can make money off
getting people killed? Why did you not get it out then what was happening in
Pakistan, instead of waiting for the situation to change, so that you can
make things worse by pressuring Pakistan too much? Just how many of you at
CNN are involved? And just how much are you involved?

Why did you not pressure the Pakistan Government and US Government to give
us Grid Maps and Air Fire so that we could locate and take our Bin Laden and
his likes when we asked both them for these things, and then asked you to
help us get those things?

Why are you brainwashing the People to help them look for missing computers
that would incriminate them too, under the guise of looking for bombs? Why
not just reinstate the US Constitution and let the individuals have the
Liberty to defend themselves instead of overthrowing the US Constitution and
all of our Rights not protected therein? Why are so many of them people that
are overthrowing the US Constitution and the State of Israel and Great
Britain connected with CNN?

Those connected with the overthrow of the US, Israel, and Great Britain,
have you all right where they want you. I will be sorry when they find you
in a ditch somewhere or in some cell, or drugged out of your wits in some
hospital, because you failed to believe the truth.

Because it will incriminate many of the Rulers of the Earth, they are
looking for those missing computers so hard, they are screaming louder that
they are looking for bombs to deceive everybody, as they are double and
triple searching everybody at airports all around the would, even family
members of mine sent baby clothes and toys in the mail, and they never got
there because someone took the boxes while in route through the mail!

When you called me on the Phone, before I briefly visited Russia and Iran,
why did you not get it out that I had Videos that would incriminate many
very rich people that want these Wars so that they can make money off
getting people killed?

Why are you brainwashing the People to help them look for missing computers
that would incriminate them too, under the guise of looking for bombs? Why
not just reinstate the US Constitution and let the individuals have the
Liberty to defend themselves instead of overthrowing the US Constitution and
all of our Rights not protected therein? Why are so many of them people that
are overthrowing the US Constitution and the State of Israel and Great
Britain connected with CNN?

Those connected with the overthrow of the US, Israel, and Great Britain,
have you all right where they want you. I will be sorry when they find you
in a ditch somewhere or in some cell, or drugged out of your wits in some
hospital, because you failed to believe the truth.

Because it will incriminate many of the Rulers of the Earth, they are
looking for those missing computers so hard, they are screaming louder that
they are looking for bombs to deceive everybody, as they are double and
triple searching everybody at airports all around the would, even family
members of mine sent baby clothes and toys in the mail, and they never got
there because someone took the boxes while in route through the mail!

Somebody should do something about the way them News Medias brainwashes
these people to walk to their own death!

Try actually reading this, I could only post a little of the hard evidence
on the Internet, and believe me, I have a lot of it!

When I started posting that I wanted engineers to help me design wind
turbines and begin building them on the side of a small business, the MN
State Government outsourced the designing of the wind turbines to scientists
from other Countries.

Why are they outsourcing Jobs that Americans want, and then claim no
American wants to do those Jobs?

Read some more about, why they are doing that to many Americans!

I will repost this.

I have some questions too. In actually five parts, since you seam to be
unable to count to five:

1) How can any decent human being remain a Treasonous Tax and Spend Democrat
or a Treasonous Borrow until Economic collapse Republican?

2) How can any decent Jew remain a Treasonous Tax and Spend Democrat or a
Treasonous Borrow until Economic collapse Republican?

3) How can any decent Christian remain a Treasonous Tax and Spend Democrat
or a Treasonous Borrow until Economic collapse Republican?

4) How can any decent human being support a Treasonous Tax and Spend
Democrat or a Treasonous Borrow until Economic collapse Republican?

5) How can any decent Christian support a Treasonous Tax and Spend Democrat
or a Treasonous Borrow until Economic collapse Republican?

This was my response to someone threatening to have an investigator get some
dirt on someone. Getting the dirt on you is exactly what the enemies of the
People of these united States are doing, and they have access to all
Government Records, to include those that were only recorded in the White
House and the Pentagon for our Personal Security. I made mention of those
files on the Internet awhile back, and said I would not disclose what type
drug the Soviet Agent tried to use on me so that no one could make up false
stories about it. Our enemies now have copies of those secret files! I am an
outed CID Informant and the enemies of the People of these United States not
only want to set me up, but all who were registered on those secret files,
and any honest US Citizen!

Read what I have been posting because the News Medias have all betrayed the
Public into the hands of our enemies!

Like others, your answer is exactly what the Communists used the News Medias
to program you with, you would not know truth and reality if it bit you, and
as a leader you would lead all who follow you, into bondage and death!

Israel is aligned with Russia, whom supports Iran, whom supports Hamas, and
using Israel to draw the US into another War with lies, will destroy the US
Economy further, and let the Communists finish taking us over from within,
as they use Israel to Attack the Arabs, the source of US Oil needed for
National Security! I know that everyone in Russia and Israel is not in on
it, but now do you know why some of the Communists used Israel to help them
draw us into the Iraq War with lies? They are destroying us from within at
the same time and only brainwashed fools are letting them do it!

Well, I am not a Tax and Spend Democrat or a Borrow until Economic Collapse
Republican, I just know what works as a Farmer and an Engineer, and if they
will not let me and others do what we need to do, to do our jobs, no one
will get to eat or drink water, so get off your high horse and quit being a
stooge for the Communists!

Here is how the Communists are using the System to tighten Security so we
cannot get out of the Country unless you use someone else's name, while they
use the Systems that they helped set up for getting Criminals and Terrorists
to target Americans and their businesses.

CNN tricked the Government into giving our enemies all of our Government's
Criminal Records!

We have had Members of the C.A.L.M. helping others to post emergency
procedures for surviving a Nuclear attack on US Soil.

Just Google these and start getting ready, the balloon is being filled, to
go up for Nuclear War.

Nuclear Attack Survival

Nuclear Decontamination

Also check the Internet Detective Sites to see what our enemies have on you,
even if you have no criminal record. Check to see what Credit Information
they have on you, it was all setup by our enemies so that they could use it
to control you, and or to destroy you one way or another. Among the Sites
giving our records to our Enemies are these Family Tree organizations the
trace your ancestry, like the Nazis and Soviets did to the Jews.

It is mostly Private Corporate Sites and Computers sending our Personal
Information overseas to our enemies, and many times it is Government
Computers. I have personally done an experiment to find out just how much
they are sending. Like, these dating Sites that have you fill out a bunch of
things about yourself to try to match you with a mate, everything you enter
ends up in our enemies hands. The same with News Media, Business, or
Government Sites, that ask for your likes and dislikes, and that ask what
products that you prefer to use.

It will all come back to haunt you, as our enemies try to take the US over
from within. They have enough data on everyone that has a computer, they can
use the system to set you up to look criminal, even if you have never broken
a law. That is what they intend to do with it, by using Criminals to help
them set people up, like they used the Mob organizations to do so in the

That is why they want all of our Criminal Records Public, even if it is just
traffic tickets, because they can use these to blackmail and intimidate
these people into helping them. The US gave the enemies of the People of
these United States, a very powerful and deadly tool, making criminal
records public. They like using the Criminal Records and giving them to
Religious Fundamentalists too, to show others that if they do not cooperate,
they will get the same brutal treatment.

An outed CID Informant, or any other outed Agent, and even those that have
not yet been Publicly outed, has to live on guard at all times, because the
secret files that were recorded only in the White House and in the Pentagon,
for our personal security, have fallen into the wrong hands. So the
Communists use Domestic Criminals via the Internet to set us up much faster
now, than the ways that they did it before. Our lives and are Liberty are at
risk every moment, because some among the Tax and Spend Democrats, and some
among the Borrow until Economic Collapse Republicans, have betrayed us, and
because of their personal dislikes, the Communists use them, and use
personal attacks to set us up, and get rid of us for our common enemies!

Who would know better about this, than an outed CID Informant whom was outed
and kidnapped by Legal Foreign Exchanged Students from Africa, armed with
stolen US Weapons on American soil, in the 1980s?

Putin knows better than to mess with me straight up, he has my personal
History, my Military, my Criminal, my Religious, and my Medical Records on
his Computers, and so does Communist China, compliments of our Zionist
friends that use US Corporations to send all of our personal information to
our enemies!

I wonder if your on our enemies good guy list, or bad guy list? Well, the
next time that I get a date, and sneak into Moscow, or Tehran, or Shanghai,
or Jerusalem, I will check, because they are all against real Americans!

Mind manipulation is what they are doing to the Public to get them to attack
those that they single out as being crazy, while they control all the things
that they say the person made up, like the computer hackers that have
repeatedly hacked my computer since 2003, and someone had the FBI not
investigate, and had them use CNN to try to stop us from hunting down Osama
Bin Laden and his Likes. Why would CNN and the FBI not want to help get Bin
Laden and his Likes?

Now people are calling my numbers and are leaving someone else's names and
phone #s on my answering services, I call the numbers, and those people did
not call me and leave a message. And some guy pulled up in my sisters yard
and picked up boxes of parts that were normally delivered from my brother in
laws business to another business, and they are having the same problem of
people going through their mail. Those Communists are really worried about
those missing computers and would do anything to find them, because it links
them to a lot of US Politicians.

Tighter Security on us is what the Communists that are taking control want
us to waste our Tax Money on, while they target the individuals through the
system. If many of us on planes just carried a gun, we would be safe on the
planes and at home and business, but the Communists want complete control
over us. Look at CNN "tester slips fake bomb past airport security," when it
should read Immigrants that took over key Government Positions have let an
Army Immigrate into the US To destroy the US Constitution and all of our
rights not protected therein. All this security was set up by think tanks
controlled by Zionists that are Atheist Communists that are pretending to be
Jews and Christians.

That Traitor George Bush will probably just go with the theme, "Politics as
usual!," all talk and getting nothing that we need done, that is what the
rest of them Pet Poodle Traitors and their Handlers that took our Government
away from the People, are doing.

The Problem for those of us that want to work, these Politicians will
deliberately listen to the lazy people, and give them what will destroy the
rest of us, hand outs from our Tax Money that will lead to Communism.

These people destroy our businesses with Unions, as they deliberately slow
down production to make the Job last longer for them, while getting paid by
the hour. This is part of what has made US Corporations get the idea of
sending our Jobs to other Countries, and our enemies took advantage of this,
and are now outsourcing all the businesses that we will need to survive, or
they are using the system to destroy the businesses that we will need to

And worse, we will not be able to survive Politics as usual, because our
enemies have taken advantage of their Politics as usual, as they overthrow
us from within!

The number one reason that US Corporations are outsourcing our Jobs, and
that things are so regulated that it is nearly impossible to start a
business, is that the Communists are controlling the Environmental Groups,
and are directing them to do each thing that they do, that will cause the
destruction of America.

They are using the Environmental Groups, and are deliberately targeting
businesses that we will need to survive from their takeover from within.
Like their deliberately outsourcing the designing of windmills, to
Scientists from Denmark or Sweden, and then hacking my computers from
Amsterdam, and from the Latin Islands South of Florida.

It is no coincident that the Communists are using Environmental Groups to
target the Oil and Coal Companies, while offering no affordable or practical
alternative to Oil and Coal, while promoting Nuclear Energy, using AGW as a
cover for building more Nukes, because that is what Margaret Thatcher did
with AG Cooling. She thought she was smart turning the Environmentalist
Groups, that the Soviets turned against her for using Nuclear power, to her
side using the lies about AG Cooling, and saying Nuclear Energy was the

It is no coincident that the Communists are using Environmental Groups to
target any Business that could find a solution to the Energy Crisis, and are
motivating them to help destroy Tillable Farmland faster, pushing both Urban
Sprawl and Biofuels while making it illegal in Trailer Courts and other
Places to plant Victory Gardens. It is really ironic that they are using
fear tactics about Carbon Monoxide, to stop us from insulating our Trailers
to save on fuel bills, while screaming that we using too much fuel causing

It is no coincident that the Communist Soviet Scientists are pushing the
AGW, and are targeting Businesses that could drill and build wells to save
this country when they target these large public water systems, if they
cannot destroy them, they will cause a loss of Water and try to blame it on
Global Warming. These AGW nuts are putty in the Palm of Communist
Brainwashers, they can get them to do anything that they wish.

It is no coincident that the Communists are using Environmental Groups to
target the Oil and Coal Companies, while offering no affordable alternative
to Oil and Coal, while promoting Nuclear Energy, using AGW as a cover for
building more Nukes, because that is what Margaret Thatcher did with AG
Cooling. She thought she was smart turning the Environmentalist groups that
the Soviets turned against her for using Nuclear power, to her side using
the lies about AG Cooling and saying Nuclear Energy was the answer.

What is worse is the Political Ploy the Politicians are using, to avoid
solving the problems caused by these people, by saying to the 200,000
homeless Veterans, and hundreds of thousands of Poor, that if we Vote for
them that our Voices will be heard, why have our Voices not been heard
already? And why are they not deregulating now, and reinstating the US
Constitution on all levels of US Government, so that we can get to Jobs or
start new Businesses before it is too late for many of us?

They say that as many as 6000 Iraq Veterans already committed suicide, and
tens of thousands of US Citizens too, can they not tell just how desperate
America is for Jobs? Can they not tell that most are so desperate, that
waiting for our Voices to be heard, is what is killing us, because that is
Politics as usual?

Look at John Edwards Letter, nothing being done now to deregulate, and
basically what they are planning is putting checks in the mail, but heck,
what mail?

Both my snail mail and most of my e-mail disappearing, is not a coincident

My sister use to come and open my snail mail, and read what was important to
me, but now there is only advertisement news paper type mail in the mail
box. No letters from the Government, none from bill collectors, and none
from friends, or anyone else, not even announcement letters from the Jewish
organizations that I signed up for.


Dear Joseph,

From the very beginning, our campaign has been about one central thing:
giving voice to millions of Americans who have absolutely no voice in our

If you are worried about your health care or, like 47 million other
Americans you have no health care, your voice will be heard in this

If you're one of 37 million Americans who wake up every single day, worried
about how to feed and clothe your children and living in poverty, your voice
will be heard in America -- and it will be heard in this campaign and we
will speak and fight for you.

If you're worried about being able to pay for your child to be able to go to
college and being able to pay for tuition and books, your voice will be
heard in this campaign -- and it will be heard in America.

If you're one of the forgotten middle class, working and struggling just to
pay your bills, worrying every single day about what may be around the
corner, we will give you a voice in this campaign.

And if you're one of the extraordinary men and women who have worn the
uniform of the United States with pride and honor and served this country
patriotically, and you're not getting the health care you need or deserve,
your voice will be heard in this campaign. If you're one of the 200,000
veterans living in America who every night go to sleep under bridges, in
shelters or on heating grates, your voice will be heard in America.

That's why this campaign moves on to February 5 and "Super Tuesday" when
millions of Americans will cast their vote and help shape the future of the
Democratic Party and, most importantly, help shape the future of America.

Thank you for standing with me as, together, we take this campaign to the
Democratic Convention, to the nomination -- and then to the White House.

Your support as we move forward means that the voices of millions of
voiceless Americans will be heard.


John Edwards
January 27, 2008


Inflation comes from too much demand on the Supply, and when Russia helps
draw us into conflicts making a higher demand on both manpower and materials
for defense purposes, it causes inflation to skyrocket. And outsourcing our
Jobs, and destroying the Businesses that we need to survive makes it worse.

That was Russia's plan for drawing us into Iraq using the State of Israel,
and for using the State of Israel to draw us into Iran, so that they can use
the State of Israel to attack the Arabs, the US Oil supply needed for

Dear Mr. President Putin

I really enjoyed my brief visit to your Country and to Iran, thank you for
your hospitality!

PS. Don't spend a lot of money looking for those missing computers, it would
be a waste of money, give it to the Poor instead.

In service of God and Country


Betty Crocker Recipes, Clear Rock Candy!

The Communists have adjusted to us, they are no longer attacking openly on
the Internet, and have gone into covert attack modes, targeting businesses
and incomes on individuals that are American, and using defamation of their
targets, to use the Legal and Medical Systems that they Infiltrated, to take
them out, out of sight of the Public. If they will not reinstate the US
Constitution and hold to it in any Federal, State, or Local Government
Office, or Corporations, they are working for the Communists trying to take
us over from within!

Wall Street, instead of getting a bottle like the Russians want you to, how
about getting Local, State, and Federal Governments to Deregulate, and
reinstate the US Constriction with it's original meanings and with Integrity
so that we have the Liberty to get to a Job and or Start New Businesses to
Employ Americans?

I have a Jewish ancestry, with Bauers in it, (which means a Farmer, so there
are many Bauers that are not related to me, or to the Rothschilds,) some of
my ancestors are related to the Rothschilds.

You should read my update, because since Napoleon, the Rothschilds have made
their money off funding both sides of all the conflicts, and even helping
stir them up against each other, so that they could make more money!

See CNN Wall Street Woes hit home, and Nervous Asian Market, CNN recently
did a video where they were showing 33 Million Dollar Homes in Russia, and
the anchor said, "What would Stalin Think?"

CNN leaves Russia out of this negative picture, because it is the same
people in charge of CNN, that are in charge of Russia, like in Wall Street
Market Woes, the Russians also just drink their worries away. You can get
those Russians to do anything just for a bottle of Vodka! That has been
Russia's plan all along, to use the Asian Market and Asian Banks, to help
destroy the US Economy, and make a bunch of controllable drunks out of
Americans. Thanks to Big Pharma whom the Communists control, many Americans
are on Mind Control Drugs, and are committing suicide and murder suicide in
greater numbers, just because of the Drugs that they were coaxed into
taking, or that were forced upon us at the end of a gun, like CNN had them
do to me and to many other Americans!

The Rothschilds are financing Russia, with huge sums of money, helping them
destroy the US Economy, and the Rothschilds and or their Subsidiaries are
even financing the Terrorist Organizations against Israel and the US, and
Predator Banks, that are ruining our Economy.

Yep, the elite are making Money off both sides, as they instigate the
Conflicts, so that they can make Money off getting People Killed.

It is all part of a Communist Plot to do away with the US Constitution and
all of our rights not protected therein, so that they can take control and
overthrow the USA from within. That is why they had the News Media start
Brainwashing the people against the Arabs, instead of solving the problems,
so that they could use the State of Israel and Target the US Oil, once they
use the State of Israel to draw the US into a Conflict with Iran, which
would completely destroy our Economy and Oil Sources, this will make it so
that the Communists could finish taking us over from within!

In service of God and Country

Joseph R Loegering
2008-01-30 01:46:18 UTC
The CNN Staff not only intended to do crimes and help Bin Laden and his
likes get away, they committed crimes, and are committed crimes, and are
helping our enemies overthrow the US Constitution with weird interpretations
of it, that take away all of our rights that it was suppose to protect, and
all of our rights not protected therein.

They show Hospitals fitting Veterans with new arms and legs, or they show
run down medical facilities, and scream for more money, while hiding the
truth of how they treat us from the Public.

The ward Hospital Staff who were selling us cigarettes at $5 a piece, would
not let us have access to the internet, or magnifying glasses for seeing, or
to Computers, or to any device that we could use to overcome our handicaps.
the Asian Lady in a wheel chair, they took her leg away so someone would not
use it to clobber one of the abusive staff, or fight off any of the violent
criminals that they transferred in from the jails. They could not pin any
crimes on most of us, so they just accused us of intending to do crimes and
locked us up, and drugged us out of our minds, even though other
Doctors said that those drugs were killing us!

People were so drugged up, that they could not hit the toilet, and would
and crap everywhere, and when they operated on you, you would get infected
right away, and they would extend your stay in the mess that caused it,
until the infection went away, and that is if it went away!

But because they were afraid CNN would sue them if they let me out, they
kept me there a year, and nearly killed me, and ACLU says it would cost too
much to sue them.

Now you know just a fraction of why more than 6000 Iraq Veterans and tens of
thousands of US Citizens committed suicide since the Iraq War began, but you
egotistical Bigots will not lift a finger to help stop it, you just help
them destroy Americans as you put more US Veterans on the street where they
are all swept up into that Medical System to make these Politicians, Medical
Personnel, Drug Manufacturers, and News Media, more money off destroying our
for our enemies!

The Politicians will not even read any Petition for a Redress of Grievance,
let alone give us any Honest Redress for any Just Grievance.

So the only way we have to get Justice, is to take our Government Back from
these Traitors that conspired to do away with our US Constitution and all of
our Rights not Protected therein.

We the People are the Government!

In service of God and Country


The Two US Political Parties and the US News Media have booked passage..

..on the Titanic, . and though someone gave an ice Berge warning, you can
hear the voices of the leaders of both Political Parties echoed through the
Media saying,.. "Stay the course!"

Does anyone know how to make life boats?

Oops, the Politicians and News Media had the life boat factory outsourced to

Dear CNN,

In your broadcasts about the stimulus package, you failed to mention that
none of the Hundreds of Thousands of US Veterans and US Citizens that your
Computer Systems were used to set up and make Jobless and Homeless, will get
none of these rebate Tax Checks, that your Communist Partner Banks will
charge us all Interests on, while you even pocket tons of Campaign Money
from Politicians that will only create more problems, so that you and your
Communists and Terrorists allies can finish overthrowing us from within.

I bought this computer before I knew that Microsoft was no good for
security, and I cannot get the red-hat operating system to install the
drives that I need, because all of my hardware was made for windows. I
cannot afford to pay my bills right now, let alone buy another computer, but
what computer can I get that will stop Cuba, Russia, China, Israel, and
other Countries, and CNN and Time Warner Cable, from hacking into my
Computer and Websites?

What system will stop them from using US Corporations from setting up
Veterans and making them homeless?

CNN and all US News Media

Well, since it is you, that the Communists and Terrorists are using to
destroy us from within, and it is you that made it too expensive, for us to
even get a Medical Malpractice Suit into Courts, for your misdiagnosis, and
medical maltreatment, that you broadcast for our enemies' Doctors every day,
that have infiltrated our Country to help them overthrow us from within, the
only way we can get justice is to become resourceful, improvise, and adapt
to using your systems against both the Communists and Terrorists and against
you, their ally.

I have just posted computer evidence that shows that the Communist and
Terrorists are using people on the
inside of our country, to help them take your Computer Records and the US
Government Computer Records, so that they can use Convicted Criminals and
your Records to set up and destroy anyone whom stands in their way of
overthrowing the USA from within!

I have just posted computer evidence that shows that the Communist and
Terrorists are using people on the
inside of our country, to help them take US Medical Records and the US
Corporate Computer Records, so that they can use the Business and Medical
Systems to set up, and destroy anyone whom stands in their way of
overthrowing the USA from within!

I have just posted computer evidence that shows that the Communist and
Terrorists are using people on the
inside of our country, to help them set up to take out our water systems,
and are destroying any business that could solve the problem of a huge water
shortage that they are going to cause!

I have just posted computer evidence that shows that the Communist and
Terrorists are using people on the
inside of our country, to help them set up to take out our Oil and Coal
and are destroying any business that could solve the problem of a huge Fuel
shortage that they are going to cause!

I have just posted computer evidence that shows that the Communist and
Terrorists are using people on the
inside of our country, to help them set up and make 200,000 US Veterans
Homeless and eventually jail and kill them with the computer Systems and
Corporations that they control! They have already killed more than 6000 Iraq
War Veterans and hundreds of thousands of US Citizens with their medical
malpractice that sponsors the Media. Yes, a lager US force than is deployed
in Iraq and Afghanistan, is Homeless, because our enemies used your systems
to destroy the US constitution and all of our rights not protected therein!

You have obstructed getting Osama Bin Laden, you have obstructed getting any
Justice against lies of those whom set me up, and set other Veterans up, and
nearly killed me with more than a year of maltreatment, and nearly killed
other Veterans with similar methods, and you are daily broadcasting
brainwashing propaganda for the Communists and Terrorists against the US
Constitution, and all of our rights not protected therein.

Why are you fighting for the Communists and Terrorists that are trying to
take our country
over from within?

Since you have made it too expensive for us to take you to Court to defend
our Lives, our Liberty, our Families, and our Country, from the Communists
that are using your organizations to destroy us, we have no alternative but
to defend ourselves against the Communists and Terrorist and against you,
with whatever means in necessary.

All my enemies underestimate me.

On the Phone, Dr Smith from the Kansas City VA told the Doctors that CNN
sent me to in New York what he did to me, "O, I am surprised that he was
able to make it to New York, he cannot function!"

That was after he drugged me with drugs that a Court had already found from
my Neurologists the truth, and ordered the Police and Doctors not to force
them on me, because the Neurologists found that those drugs made me more
dysfunctional than I normally am, but Dr Smith would not obey the Court
order, or the other Doctors' findings, and deliberately made me more
dysfunctional with those same drugs, because he was not under the
Jurisdiction of Jackson Michigan, and he did it for the reason he said, as
he said, ."We will be giving you an alibi just in case something happens to
the President while he is in town!"

And the same thing happened with the New York Doctors that were afraid if
they did not keep me for an entire Year, and drug me with the exact same
drugs that make me more dysfunctional, CNN would sue them!

All my enemies underestimate me, but they all eventually fall!

Dear CNN

Why did you not take care of any of the problems that you caused me?

When you called me on the Phone, before I briefly visited Russia and Iran,
why did you not get it out that I had Videos that would incriminate many
very rich people that want these Wars so that they can make money off
getting people killed? Why did you not get it out then what was happening in
Pakistan, instead of waiting for the situation to change, so that you can
make things worse by pressuring Pakistan too much? Just how many of you at
CNN are involved? And just how much are you involved?

Why did you not pressure the Pakistan Government and US Government to give
us Grid Maps and Air Fire so that we could locate and take our Bin Laden and
his likes when we asked both them for these things, and then asked you to
help us get those things?

Why are you brainwashing the People to help them look for missing computers
that would incriminate them too, under the guise of looking for bombs? Why
not just reinstate the US Constitution and let the individuals have the
Liberty to defend themselves instead of overthrowing the US Constitution and
all of our Rights not protected therein? Why are so many of them people that
are overthrowing the US Constitution and the State of Israel and Great
Britain connected with CNN?

Those connected with the overthrow of the US, Israel, and Great Britain,
have you all right where they want you. I will be sorry when they find you
in a ditch somewhere or in some cell, or drugged out of your wits in some
hospital, because you failed to believe the truth.

Because it will incriminate many of the Rulers of the Earth, they are
looking for those missing computers so hard, they are screaming louder that
they are looking for bombs to deceive everybody, as they are double and
triple searching everybody at airports all around the would, even family
members of mine sent baby clothes and toys in the mail, and they never got
there because someone took the boxes while in route through the mail!

When you called me on the Phone, before I briefly visited Russia and Iran,
why did you not get it out that I had Videos that would incriminate many
very rich people that want these Wars so that they can make money off
getting people killed?

Why are you brainwashing the People to help them look for missing computers
that would incriminate them too, under the guise of looking for bombs? Why
not just reinstate the US Constitution and let the individuals have the
Liberty to defend themselves instead of overthrowing the US Constitution and
all of our Rights not protected therein? Why are so many of them people that
are overthrowing the US Constitution and the State of Israel and Great
Britain connected with CNN?

Those connected with the overthrow of the US, Israel, and Great Britain,
have you all right where they want you. I will be sorry when they find you
in a ditch somewhere or in some cell, or drugged out of your wits in some
hospital, because you failed to believe the truth.

Because it will incriminate many of the Rulers of the Earth, they are
looking for those missing computers so hard, they are screaming louder that
they are looking for bombs to deceive everybody, as they are double and
triple searching everybody at airports all around the would, even family
members of mine sent baby clothes and toys in the mail, and they never got
there because someone took the boxes while in route through the mail!

Somebody should do something about the way them News Medias brainwashes
these people to walk to their own death!

Try actually reading this, I could only post a little of the hard evidence
on the Internet, and believe me, I have a lot of it!

When I started posting that I wanted engineers to help me design wind
turbines and begin building them on the side of a small business, the MN
State Government outsourced the designing of the wind turbines to scientists
from other Countries.

Why are they outsourcing Jobs that Americans want, and then claim no
American wants to do those Jobs?

Read some more about, why they are doing that to many Americans!

I will repost this.

I have some questions too. In actually five parts, since you seam to be
unable to count to five:

1) How can any decent human being remain a Treasonous Tax and Spend Democrat
or a Treasonous Borrow until Economic collapse Republican?

2) How can any decent Jew remain a Treasonous Tax and Spend Democrat or a
Treasonous Borrow until Economic collapse Republican?

3) How can any decent Christian remain a Treasonous Tax and Spend Democrat
or a Treasonous Borrow until Economic collapse Republican?

4) How can any decent human being support a Treasonous Tax and Spend
Democrat or a Treasonous Borrow until Economic collapse Republican?

5) How can any decent Christian support a Treasonous Tax and Spend Democrat
or a Treasonous Borrow until Economic collapse Republican?

This was my response to someone threatening to have an investigator get some
dirt on someone. Getting the dirt on you is exactly what the enemies of the
People of these united States are doing, and they have access to all
Government Records, to include those that were only recorded in the White
House and the Pentagon for our Personal Security. I made mention of those
files on the Internet awhile back, and said I would not disclose what type
drug the Soviet Agent tried to use on me so that no one could make up false
stories about it. Our enemies now have copies of those secret files! I am an
outed CID Informant and the enemies of the People of these United States not
only want to set me up, but all who were registered on those secret files,
and any honest US Citizen!

Read what I have been posting because the News Medias have all betrayed the
Public into the hands of our enemies!

Like others, your answer is exactly what the Communists used the News Medias
to program you with, you would not know truth and reality if it bit you, and
as a leader you would lead all who follow you, into bondage and death!

Israel is aligned with Russia, whom supports Iran, whom supports Hamas, and
using Israel to draw the US into another War with lies, will destroy the US
Economy further, and let the Communists finish taking us over from within,
as they use Israel to Attack the Arabs, the source of US Oil needed for
National Security! I know that everyone in Russia and Israel is not in on
it, but now do you know why some of the Communists used Israel to help them
draw us into the Iraq War with lies? They are destroying us from within at
the same time and only brainwashed fools are letting them do it!

Well, I am not a Tax and Spend Democrat or a Borrow until Economic Collapse
Republican, I just know what works as a Farmer and an Engineer, and if they
will not let me and others do what we need to do, to do our jobs, no one
will get to eat or drink water, so get off your high horse and quit being a
stooge for the Communists!

Here is how the Communists are using the System to tighten Security so we
cannot get out of the Country unless you use someone else's name, while they
use the Systems that they helped set up for getting Criminals and Terrorists
to target Americans and their businesses.

CNN tricked the Government into giving our enemies all of our Government's
Criminal Records!

We have had Members of the C.A.L.M. helping others to post emergency
procedures for surviving a Nuclear attack on US Soil.

Just Google these and start getting ready, the balloon is being filled, to
go up for Nuclear War.

Nuclear Attack Survival

Nuclear Decontamination

Also check the Internet Detective Sites to see what our enemies have on you,
even if you have no criminal record. Check to see what Credit Information
they have on you, it was all setup by our enemies so that they could use it
to control you, and or to destroy you one way or another. Among the Sites
giving our records to our Enemies are these Family Tree organizations the
trace your ancestry, like the Nazis and Soviets did to the Jews.

It is mostly Private Corporate Sites and Computers sending our Personal
Information overseas to our enemies, and many times it is Government
Computers. I have personally done an experiment to find out just how much
they are sending. Like, these dating Sites that have you fill out a bunch of
things about yourself to try to match you with a mate, everything you enter
ends up in our enemies hands. The same with News Media, Business, or
Government Sites, that ask for your likes and dislikes, and that ask what
products that you prefer to use.

It will all come back to haunt you, as our enemies try to take the US over
from within. They have enough data on everyone that has a computer, they can
use the system to set you up to look criminal, even if you have never broken
a law. That is what they intend to do with it, by using Criminals to help
them set people up, like they used the Mob organizations to do so in the

That is why they want all of our Criminal Records Public, even if it is just
traffic tickets, because they can use these to blackmail and intimidate
these people into helping them. The US gave the enemies of the People of
these United States, a very powerful and deadly tool, making criminal
records public. They like using the Criminal Records and giving them to
Religious Fundamentalists too, to show others that if they do not cooperate,
they will get the same brutal treatment.

An outed CID Informant, or any other outed Agent, and even those that have
not yet been Publicly outed, has to live on guard at all times, because the
secret files that were recorded only in the White House and in the Pentagon,
for our personal security, have fallen into the wrong hands. So the
Communists use Domestic Criminals via the Internet to set us up much faster
now, than the ways that they did it before. Our lives and are Liberty are at
risk every moment, because some among the Tax and Spend Democrats, and some
among the Borrow until Economic Collapse Republicans, have betrayed us, and
because of their personal dislikes, the Communists use them, and use
personal attacks to set us up, and get rid of us for our common enemies!

Who would know better about this, than an outed CID Informant whom was outed
and kidnapped by Legal Foreign Exchanged Students from Africa, armed with
stolen US Weapons on American soil, in the 1980s?

Putin knows better than to mess with me straight up, he has my personal
History, my Military, my Criminal, my Religious, and my Medical Records on
his Computers, and so does Communist China, compliments of our Zionist
friends that use US Corporations to send all of our personal information to
our enemies!

I wonder if your on our enemies good guy list, or bad guy list? Well, the
next time that I get a date, and sneak into Moscow, or Tehran, or Shanghai,
or Jerusalem, I will check, because they are all against real Americans!

Mind manipulation is what they are doing to the Public to get them to attack
those that they single out as being crazy, while they control all the things
that they say the person made up, like the computer hackers that have
repeatedly hacked my computer since 2003, and someone had the FBI not
investigate, and had them use CNN to try to stop us from hunting down Osama
Bin Laden and his Likes. Why would CNN and the FBI not want to help get Bin
Laden and his Likes?

Now people are calling my numbers and are leaving someone else's names and
phone #s on my answering services, I call the numbers, and those people did
not call me and leave a message. And some guy pulled up in my sisters yard
and picked up boxes of parts that were normally delivered from my brother in
laws business to another business, and they are having the same problem of
people going through their mail. Those Communists are really worried about
those missing computers and would do anything to find them, because it links
them to a lot of US Politicians.

Tighter Security on us is what the Communists that are taking control want
us to waste our Tax Money on, while they target the individuals through the
system. If many of us on planes just carried a gun, we would be safe on the
planes and at home and business, but the Communists want complete control
over us. Look at CNN "tester slips fake bomb past airport security," when it
should read Immigrants that took over key Government Positions have let an
Army Immigrate into the US To destroy the US Constitution and all of our
rights not protected therein. All this security was set up by think tanks
controlled by Zionists that are Atheist Communists that are pretending to be
Jews and Christians.

That Traitor George Bush will probably just go with the theme, "Politics as
usual!," all talk and getting nothing that we need done, that is what the
rest of them Pet Poodle Traitors and their Handlers that took our Government
away from the People, are doing.

The Problem for those of us that want to work, these Politicians will
deliberately listen to the lazy people, and give them what will destroy the
rest of us, hand outs from our Tax Money that will lead to Communism.

These people destroy our businesses with Unions, as they deliberately slow
down production to make the Job last longer for them, while getting paid by
the hour. This is part of what has made US Corporations get the idea of
sending our Jobs to other Countries, and our enemies took advantage of this,
and are now outsourcing all the businesses that we will need to survive, or
they are using the system to destroy the businesses that we will need to

And worse, we will not be able to survive Politics as usual, because our
enemies have taken advantage of their Politics as usual, as they overthrow
us from within!

The number one reason that US Corporations are outsourcing our Jobs, and
that things are so regulated that it is nearly impossible to start a
business, is that the Communists are controlling the Environmental Groups,
and are directing them to do each thing that they do, that will cause the
destruction of America.

They are using the Environmental Groups, and are deliberately targeting
businesses that we will need to survive from their takeover from within.
Like their deliberately outsourcing the designing of windmills, to
Scientists from Denmark or Sweden, and then hacking my computers from
Amsterdam, and from the Latin Islands South of Florida.

It is no coincident that the Communists are using Environmental Groups to
target the Oil and Coal Companies, while offering no affordable or practical
alternative to Oil and Coal, while promoting Nuclear Energy, using AGW as a
cover for building more Nukes, because that is what Margaret Thatcher did
with AG Cooling. She thought she was smart turning the Environmentalist
Groups, that the Soviets turned against her for using Nuclear power, to her
side using the lies about AG Cooling, and saying Nuclear Energy was the

It is no coincident that the Communists are using Environmental Groups to
target any Business that could find a solution to the Energy Crisis, and are
motivating them to help destroy Tillable Farmland faster, pushing both Urban
Sprawl and Biofuels while making it illegal in Trailer Courts and other
Places to plant Victory Gardens. It is really ironic that they are using
fear tactics about Carbon Monoxide, to stop us from insulating our Trailers
to save on fuel bills, while screaming that we using too much fuel causing

It is no coincident that the Communist Soviet Scientists are pushing the
AGW, and are targeting Businesses that could drill and build wells to save
this country when they target these large public water systems, if they
cannot destroy them, they will cause a loss of Water and try to blame it on
Global Warming. These AGW nuts are putty in the Palm of Communist
Brainwashers, they can get them to do anything that they wish.

It is no coincident that the Communists are using Environmental Groups to
target the Oil and Coal Companies, while offering no affordable alternative
to Oil and Coal, while promoting Nuclear Energy, using AGW as a cover for
building more Nukes, because that is what Margaret Thatcher did with AG
Cooling. She thought she was smart turning the Environmentalist groups that
the Soviets turned against her for using Nuclear power, to her side using
the lies about AG Cooling and saying Nuclear Energy was the answer.

What is worse is the Political Ploy the Politicians are using, to avoid
solving the problems caused by these people, by saying to the 200,000
homeless Veterans, and hundreds of thousands of Poor, that if we Vote for
them that our Voices will be heard, why have our Voices not been heard
already? And why are they not deregulating now, and reinstating the US
Constitution on all levels of US Government, so that we can get to Jobs or
start new Businesses before it is too late for many of us?

They say that as many as 6000 Iraq Veterans already committed suicide, and
tens of thousands of US Citizens too, can they not tell just how desperate
America is for Jobs? Can they not tell that most are so desperate, that
waiting for our Voices to be heard, is what is killing us, because that is
Politics as usual?

Look at John Edwards Letter, nothing being done now to deregulate, and
basically what they are planning is putting checks in the mail, but heck,
what mail?

Both my snail mail and most of my e-mail disappearing, is not a coincident

My sister use to come and open my snail mail, and read what was important to
me, but now there is only advertisement news paper type mail in the mail
box. No letters from the Government, none from bill collectors, and none
from friends, or anyone else, not even announcement letters from the Jewish
organizations that I signed up for.


Dear Joseph,

From the very beginning, our campaign has been about one central thing:
giving voice to millions of Americans who have absolutely no voice in our

If you are worried about your health care or, like 47 million other
Americans you have no health care, your voice will be heard in this

If you're one of 37 million Americans who wake up every single day, worried
about how to feed and clothe your children and living in poverty, your voice
will be heard in America -- and it will be heard in this campaign and we
will speak and fight for you.

If you're worried about being able to pay for your child to be able to go to
college and being able to pay for tuition and books, your voice will be
heard in this campaign -- and it will be heard in America.

If you're one of the forgotten middle class, working and struggling just to
pay your bills, worrying every single day about what may be around the
corner, we will give you a voice in this campaign.

And if you're one of the extraordinary men and women who have worn the
uniform of the United States with pride and honor and served this country
patriotically, and you're not getting the health care you need or deserve,
your voice will be heard in this campaign. If you're one of the 200,000
veterans living in America who every night go to sleep under bridges, in
shelters or on heating grates, your voice will be heard in America.

That's why this campaign moves on to February 5 and "Super Tuesday" when
millions of Americans will cast their vote and help shape the future of the
Democratic Party and, most importantly, help shape the future of America.

Thank you for standing with me as, together, we take this campaign to the
Democratic Convention, to the nomination -- and then to the White House.

Your support as we move forward means that the voices of millions of
voiceless Americans will be heard.


John Edwards
January 27, 2008


Inflation comes from too much demand on the Supply, and when Russia helps
draw us into conflicts making a higher demand on both manpower and materials
for defense purposes, it causes inflation to skyrocket. And outsourcing our
Jobs, and destroying the Businesses that we need to survive makes it worse.

That was Russia's plan for drawing us into Iraq using the State of Israel,
and for using the State of Israel to draw us into Iran, so that they can use
the State of Israel to attack the Arabs, the US Oil supply needed for

Dear Mr. President Putin

I really enjoyed my brief visit to your Country and to Iran, thank you for
your hospitality!

PS. Don't spend a lot of money looking for those missing computers, it would
be a waste of money, give it to the Poor instead.

In service of God and Country


Betty Crocker Recipes, Clear Rock Candy!

The Communists have adjusted to us, they are no longer attacking openly on
the Internet, and have gone into covert attack modes, targeting businesses
and incomes on individuals that are American, and using defamation of their
targets, to use the Legal and Medical Systems that they Infiltrated, to take
them out, out of sight of the Public. If they will not reinstate the US
Constitution and hold to it in any Federal, State, or Local Government
Office, or Corporations, they are working for the Communists trying to take
us over from within!

Wall Street, instead of getting a bottle like the Russians want you to, how
about getting Local, State, and Federal Governments to Deregulate, and
reinstate the US Constriction with it's original meanings and with Integrity
so that we have the Liberty to get to a Job and or Start New Businesses to
Employ Americans?

I have a Jewish ancestry, with Bauers in it, (which means a Farmer, so there
are many Bauers that are not related to me, or to the Rothschilds,) some of
my ancestors are related to the Rothschilds.

You should read my update, because since Napoleon, the Rothschilds have made
their money off funding both sides of all the conflicts, and even helping
stir them up against each other, so that they could make more money!

See CNN Wall Street Woes hit home, and Nervous Asian Market, CNN recently
did a video where they were showing 33 Million Dollar Homes in Russia, and
the anchor said, "What would Stalin Think?"

CNN leaves Russia out of this negative picture, because it is the same
people in charge of CNN, that are in charge of Russia, like in Wall Street
Market Woes, the Russians also just drink their worries away. You can get
those Russians to do anything just for a bottle of Vodka! That has been
Russia's plan all along, to use the Asian Market and Asian Banks, to help
destroy the US Economy, and make a bunch of controllable drunks out of
Americans. Thanks to Big Pharma whom the Communists control, many Americans
are on Mind Control Drugs, and are committing suicide and murder suicide in
greater numbers, just because of the Drugs that they were coaxed into
taking, or that were forced upon us at the end of a gun, like CNN had them
do to me and to many other Americans!

The Rothschilds are financing Russia, with huge sums of money, helping them
destroy the US Economy, and the Rothschilds and or their Subsidiaries are
even financing the Terrorist Organizations against Israel and the US, and
Predator Banks, that are ruining our Economy.

Yep, the elite are making Money off both sides, as they instigate the
Conflicts, so that they can make Money off getting People Killed.

It is all part of a Communist Plot to do away with the US Constitution and
all of our rights not protected therein, so that they can take control and
overthrow the USA from within. That is why they had the News Media start
Brainwashing the people against the Arabs, instead of solving the problems,
so that they could use the State of Israel and Target the US Oil, once they
use the State of Israel to draw the US into a Conflict with Iran, which
would completely destroy our Economy and Oil Sources, this will make it so
that the Communists could finish taking us over from within!

In service of God and Country

